Since 2010, we have been the home for elite South African fruit growers, delivering to global markets.


RuBisCO (Pty) Ltd is a grower based fruit marketing company, which was established in 2010. Grower shareholders own 76 % of the company with management retaining 24%. At the helm of RuBisCO is Hubert Leclercq whose years of experience in marketing, procurement and logistics drive this dynamic company to deliver consistently high quality fruit to overseas markets.

Our Name

RuBisCO is the abbreviation for a plant enzyme that is critical for the survival of the earth! It is Ribulose - 1,5 - biphosphate carboxylase oxygenase,   whereby carbon dioxide CO² is converted by plants to glucose. RuBisCO , the company is thus seen as the essential catalyst between growers and the market

Our Vision

To ensure sustainable growth through transparent, long-lasting and meaningful relationships with both growers and receivers, which in turn leads to consistently superior returns for both parties involved.

Our Mission

Delight our customers with excellent tasting fruit, thereby increasing demand for our fruit. Particular emphasis is placed on varietal innovation to achieve excellence in taste, as well as innovation in growing, picking,  packing and logistics solutions.